Councillor S Ring – Rate Review
Since returning to Council last June and voting against the rate rise, I have been approached by residents concerned over the adverse impact of the rate rise on their individual properties inclusive of farms, residences, and business.
The notice of motion I submitted was based on considerable research in an attempt to ensure that the rate burden is applied in a fair and equitable manner.
An amendment was put by Cr Goodwin after asking the General Manager to give a verbal summary of the lengthy administration’s commentary on my motion. Which was nearly 2 pages of commentary for every page I wrote.
The amendment that was put forward by Cr Goodwin was:
THAT the Council maintain its current focus on continuous improvement and refinement of the rating system, acknowledging that the Council will soon receive advice from the administration, and they will, at that stage, determine any required changes for the year ahead and beyond.
A division was not called and the motion was carried – but not unanimously! The administrations comment made it clear that the staff do not want to add additional subcategories.
It is the Councillors who are elected by the residents and who are responsible for making the decisions. This matter will not go away.
10.2.4. – Sewer Management and Response to NOM
The report tabled provided no immediate relief to our residents who must endure raw sewerage flowing back into their houses during major storm event. Lithgow is not a third world country and our resident deserve better. Probably 30 to 100 residences urgently require the introduction of a reflux valves immediately which would stop the flow of raw sewerage into their houses during major storm events. This measure would then allow the long term works to upgrade the systems to proceed.
The motion was lost:
FOR: Councillor C Coleman, Councillor S McGhie, Councillor E Mahony and Councillor S Ring
AGAINST: Councillor M Statham, Councillor A Bryce, Councillor D Goodwin, Councillor S Lesslie and Councillor C O’Connor
Apparently living in third world conditions is acceptable