Cr T Evangelidis – Energy from Waste Infrastructure Plan 2041
Cr Evangelidis proposed the following:
THAT Lithgow City Council opposes an energy from waste facility within our local government area.
I moved the following amendment. That the Administration prepare workshops on existing and emerging energy production technologies. That the workshops will provide factual information on the positive and negative aspects of each technology and the potential risks to the broader Lithgow Community.
The amendment was lost, and the original motion was carried:
FOR: Councillor M Statham, Councillor C Coleman, Councillor M Ticehurst, Councillor E
Fredericks, Councillor R Smith and Councillor E Mahony
AGAINST: Councillor D Goodwin and Councillor S Ring
Cr Ticehurst moved a procedural motion to suspend standing orders – the Council has since received official advice from the Office of Local Government that this was not in the Code of Meeting Practice. However, the following resolution put forward by Cr Ticehurst stands:
That Lithgow City Council oppose any pumped hydro project facilities within our Local Government area.
FOR: Councillor M Statham, Councillor C Coleman, Councillor M Ticehurst, Councillor T
Evangelidis, Councillor E Fredericks, Councillor R Smith, Councillor D Goodwin and Councillor E Mahony
AGAINST: Councillor S Ring
Cr Ring – Council Resolution Action Register
THAT the Administration develop a tracking and reporting system for Council Resolutions to be implemented in February 2025 with a commencement date of July 2025.
Cr Ring – Sodwalls – Tarana Road
THAT the Administration table a report at the November meeting identifying the worst sections of the Sodwalls – Tarana Road and identifying funding sources that can be used to rectify these sections this financial year inclusive of obtaining external loans.
MOVED: Councillor S Ring SECONDED: Councillor E Mahony
Councillor M Ticehurst and Councillor E Fredericks moved an amendment to defer this issue to a future information session. The amendment was carried.
Exeloo – Supply and Install at Queen Elizabeth Park, Lithgow
Approved the purchase of a new Exeloo toilet to be located near the children’s playground. The toilet will also include an adult change table.
Variation – Wolgan Road Reconstruction Project Management Engagement
THAT Council vary Wassabi Group engagement by $307,395 excl GST, increasing the total contract value to $1,697,729, for the purpose of providing expert road design and technical review services to the Wolgan Road Reconstruction project, funded entirely by the disaster recovery prepayment provided by the NSW and Australian Governments.