On 25 November 2024, I supported a motion by Council Administration to place the Draft Categorisation of Land as Farmland for Rating Policy on public exhibition until the end of January 2025. I supported this motion once a second point was added ensuring that Council wrote to all affected landowners.
Resident can review the policy and make submissions at the following link:
I have included the report tabled at the meeting above and would encourage any resident with concerns or questions to contact the Revenue staff (as stated in the report).
I have also attached questions and the answered I received from the Administration in relation to this item.
Once the community consultation period has concluded a report and recommendation will be brought back to Council.
Although I understand the intent of this policy there are still many unknowns with relation to its implementation:
How many residents are affected?
How much will the rates go up for rural residential properties?
How much will the rates decrease for farms?
Will there be an increase in service levels for the rural residential residents?
I am actively undertaking research on the policy because I still have concerns with it.
The funding model for all Councils is flawed and needs a major overhaul but that is an advocacy issue with both State and Federal Governments. Lithgow Councils current rating structure needs to be overhauled and I will continue working on this matter.